Health care

Lifestyle medicine: How doctors prescribe behavioral changes to modify disease

When doctors treat health instead of disease, it is called life medicineand has become a specialty in the medical field.

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) defines lifestyle medicine (LM) as “a medical specialty that uses therapeutic approaches as the primary method of treating chronic conditions, including, but not limited to, but not limited to, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.” Clinical providers of lifestyle medicine are trained and practice using evidence-based interventions to treat, cure, and reverse many disease states.

Since 2004, this relatively new approach is based on the so-called six pillars of health care: nutrition, exercise, stress management, restorative sleep, social relationships and avoidance dangerous things. Let’s take a closer look at these columns:

  1. Whole foods, plant-based nutrition

There is a large body of scientific evidence supporting the use of a plant-based diet as an important strategy for preventing chronic disease, treating chronic disease, and even reversing chronic disease. This type of food is rich in nutrients and high in fiber. To follow such a diet, choose a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.

  1. Physical activity

Regular exercise prevents the negative effects of living a sedentary lifestyle. It is important for adults to move their bodies through general activity and purposeful exercise at least weekly as part of overall health.

  1. Managing stress

Stress can lead to health and productivity, or it can lead to anxiety, depression, obesity, physical inactivity and negative outcomes. Recognizing negative stress responses and identifying coping strategies and ways to reduce stress leads to improved care.

  1. Avoiding dangerous things

Use of any type of tobacco and alcohol consumption increase the risk of developing chronic disease and death. Treatment takes time, different methods, and many trials to achieve success. Tolerance and support are key factors in stopping harmful drug habits.

  1. Restorative sleep

Sleep delays and disturbances cause lethargy, short attention span, decreased socialization, poor sleep, fewer calories burned during the day, increased hunger, decreased mood obesity, insulin resistance and dysfunction. Aim for seven hours or more each night.

  1. Community connection

Strengthening social relationships and relationships greatly affects our mental, physical and emotional health. Harnessing the power of relationships and social networks to strengthen healing behaviors. The most important predictor of human happiness and longevity is having strong social connections (which is why I explain below). Blood pressure and heart rate improve even with short, pleasant social interactions. The following tips can help you create and grow important relationships in your life:

How to create new social networks

  • A community resource center can provide information about local options for connecting with others.
  • Find communities or online groups of those with similar interests.
  • Join a religious or spiritual group.
  • Help out at a local animal shelter to connect with other animal lovers.
  • Local concerts, musicals, lectures, or art exhibits are places where you can meet others with similar interests.
  • Help organize community events by joining a committee.
  • Go to public events like parades or marches.
  • Take courses at a community college.
  • Attend classes or events at the local library.
  • Volunteering – helping others improves the health of the helper, increases happiness, and introduces you to new people.

How to strengthen social relations

  • Try to connect quickly with people you see regularly during the week.
  • Try to stay positive while interacting with others.
  • Share new experiences.
  • Make ways to spend time with others.
  • Be there for those who need you.
  • Be flexible, supportive, and interested in what others are doing in their lives.

#Lifestyle #medicine #doctors #prescribe #behavioral #modify #disease

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